
A Guide To Painting Your Timber Sash Windows

Timber sash windows add a touch of traditional style to your home so it's well worth having them restored and repaired professionally.  However, once the restoration work has been carried out, you can paint the window frames yourself.  Here's how to do it. What you'll need ladder dust sheets paint brushes paint kettle paint paint stirrer Choose a paint that only requires one coat for full and even coverage. Read More 

How to Prepare Your Home for Professional Carpet Cleaning

You need to have your carpets cleaned by professional carpet cleaners at least once each year. This deep cleaning by professionals helps to get rid of all the dirt that the vacuum cleaner could not remove during the routine cleaning sessions that you perform. This article discusses some measures that you can take to prepare your home before the carpet cleaners come. Vacuuming Some carpet cleaning companies may include vacuuming on the list of the tasks that they will perform once they come to deep clean the carpets in your home. Read More 

Different Basement Waterproofing Systems That Can Be Used In Your Home

Without proper basement waterproofing systems in place, your home becomes susceptible to water leaking into the foundation of your residence. Over time, your foundation stops being structurally sound and this will compromise the entire structural integrity of the building. In extreme cases, water damage remediation may not even be able to salvage your property. As such, it is crucial to enlist the services of waterproofing contractors to ensure that your basement stays free of moisture at all times. Read More 

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning List: The Roof Edition

There is everything to love about spring as the days slowly closes in. The temperatures are slowly warming up, and the flowers are blooming. It's the downhill slope into beach days and summer nights you are looking forward to. But before the elegant affairs of spring carnival, have you heard of spring cleaning: the roof edition? The winter was especially unforgiving to your roof and to make sure that your home is ready for the rising temperatures, you must give this crucial part of your home the attention it demands. Read More 

4 Tips to Getting Many Years out of Your Concrete Driveway Repair Work

Many people may argue that a cracked concrete driveway is an inevitable part of life. However, that does not mean that you cannot get many years out of a good repair job. Cracks can be caused by weather elements such as the sun and rain, which expand and contract the concrete surface, making it crack over time. Other factors that may crack the driveway concrete include the weight of the vehicles passing above the surface and corrosion caused by chemicals in storm water runoff. Read More